The Washington Post's health section offers its take on the cell phone–tumor story today. In "Not Exactly a Ringing Endorsement," reporter John Donnelly presents a variety of opinions from DC area residents: "Everything is a risk. I'm a bodyguard. That's risky. You got to have a life. Cell phones don't scare me," said one. "It makes me nervous," said a pregnant 26-year-old, "I use the speakerphone as much as I can. I keep it away from my body. I try to use it very little."
Donnelly offers a similar wide range of views from those who are more directly involved. "I absolutely believe there is a risk, said Andrea Boland, a lawmaker who has introduced the Children's Wireless Protection Act in the Maine legislature. It would require cell phones be sold with warning labels. "The peer-reviewed scientific evidence has overwhelmingly indicated that wireless devices do not pose a public health risk," countered John Walls, VP for public affairs at CTIA.
NIEHS' Michael Wyde, who is running the $25 million cell phone animal studies for the National Toxicology Program (NTP), took the middle ground: "Everyone has to make their own decision on whether to limit exposures or not," he told the Post.