A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation

bees: Microwave News Article Archive (2004 - )

March 5, 2024

“Changes in Honey Bee Nutrition After Exposure to RF EMF,” The European Zoological Journal, February, 9, 2024. “RF EMFs disturb honey bee nutrition. The changes in the analyzed indicators may have long-term effects.” Open access.


May 12, 2023

“EMFs Disrupt the Pollination Service by Honeybees,” Science Advances, May 12, 2023. Strong conclusion: “Our study provides conclusive evidence of detrimental impacts of [power-frequency] EMF on honeybee’s pollination behavior, leading to negative effects on plant community.” From Chile; open access.


May 25, 2018

“ELF EMFs Impair the Cognitive and Motor Abilities of Honey Bees,” Scientific Reports, posted May 21, 2018.

“Together our results show that acute exposure to ELF EMFs, at intensities ranging from those at ground level to those near transmission lines, can have profound effects on honey bees.” Open access.

February 22, 2013

“Detection and Learning of Floral Electric Fields by Bumblebees,” by Daniel Robert and coworkers at the U.K.’s University of Bristol, Science, published online February 21, 2013:

 “Like visual cues, floral electric fields exhibit variations in pattern and structure, which can be discriminated by bumblebees. ”

May 7, 2007

We have to admit that we are skeptical about the much-hyped hypothesis that mobile phone radiation is at least partially responsible for the disappearance of bees —if only because of the timing of these colony collapses. If microwaves are involved, bee disorientation would most likely be an acute effect. Yet mobile phones and their towers have been around for many years. So, why are the bees flying away, never to return, now?

That said, we were nevertheless taken aback when we read in this morning's Wall Street Journal that the National Wildlife Federation has inaugurated its own cell phone service. NWF Mobile is "tailored to wildlife enthusiasts and activists," the Journal reports, with such features as "ringtones that croak like frogs and chirp like birds" and the ability to provide updates on environmental news. Can a "buzz" ringtone be far behind?  

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