A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation

medical applications: Microwave News Article Archive (2004 - )

January 5, 2025

“Terahertz Wave Desensitizes Ferroptosis by Inhibiting the Binding of Ferric Ions to the Transferrin,” ACS Nano, January 3, 2025. Findings could lead to medical applications in the THz band [1 THz = 1,000 GHz]. From China.

July 29, 2024

“The exposure to ELF EMFs Inhibits the Growth and Potentiates the Sensitivity to Chemotherapy of Bidimensional and Tridimensional Human Osteosarcoma Models,” BioMedicine & Pharmacotherapy, July 17, 2024. Specific frequencies were effective for different cell lines. “Altogether, this novel evidence opens new avenues to the clinical applications of ELF-EMF in oncology.” From Italy. Open access.

August 16, 2023

“Mammography Using Low‐Frequency EMFs with Deep Learning,” Scientific Reports, August 15, 2023. New system, operating at 200 MHz, for detecting anomalies inside the human female breast. It could not only detect benign and malignant tumors, but also their size and location. “Remarkably, deep learning models were found to achieve very high classification accuracy.”


April 10, 2023

“900 MHz EMF Exposure Relieved AD-Like Symptoms on APP/PS1 Mice: A Potential Non-Invasive Strategy for AD Treatment,” Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, May 28, 2023.

“The present results indicated that long-term microwave radiation can retard AD development and exert a beneficial effect against AD, suggesting that 900 MHz microwave exposure may be a potential therapy for AD.” From the Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine. Open access.


August 24, 2022

“ELF Magnetic Fields Significantly Enhance the Cytotoxicity of Methotrexate and Can Reduce Migration of Cancer Cell Lines via Transiently Induced Plasma Membrane Damage,” Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, October 2022. “Our results suggest an important role for the use of ELF-MFs in the treatment of tumors that opens some new and exciting possibilities including using smaller therapeutic doses of chemotherapeutic agents and disrupting tumour metastasis.” In vitro experiment using 10 Hz EMFs at a very low intensity, 0.3 µT (3 mG). Open access.

October 8, 2020

In a startling new paper, researchers at the University of Iowa medical school are reporting that static electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) can control diabetes in laboratory mice.

“Exposure to EMFs for relatively short periods reduces blood sugar and normalizes the body’s response to insulin,” says Calvin Carter, one of the leaders of the research group. “The effects are long-lasting, opening the possibility of an EMF therapy that can be applied during sleep to manage diabetes all day.” Carter is a post-doc in the lab of Val Sheffield at the university’s Carver College of Medicine.

September 29, 2020

“Pilot Study on the Therapeutic Potential of RF Magnetic Fields: Growth Inhibition of Implanted Tumors,” British Journal of Cancer, September 2020.

“Although the limited number of animals used in the experiments restricts definite conclusions, the results of this pilot study indicate consistently that a 2 µT 10 MHz RF inhibits tumor growth in mouse models.” … “[T]there is no clear understanding on the mechanism behind the observed effect.”

December 18, 2017

“Effect of Tumor-Treating Fields Plus Maintenance Temozolomide vs Maintenance Temozolomide Alone on Survival in Patients with Glioblastoma: A Randomized Clinical Trial,” JAMA, December 19, 2017.

Supplementing chemotherapy with 200 kHz E-fields increased progression-free survival (by 2.7 months to 6.7 months) and overall survival (by 4.9 months to 20.9 months) in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Both are statistically significant improvements.

November 28, 2016

“Brain Cancer Patients Survive Longer By Sending Electric Field Through Their Heads,” IEEE Spectrum, November 22, 2016.

Novocure’s 200 kHz signals kept 43% of GBM patients alive compared to 30% on the standard treatment.

April 16, 2015

“Inhibition of Cancer Cell Growth by Exposure to a Specific Time-Varying EMF Involves T-Type Calcium Channels,” PLOS One, posted online April 14, 2015.

“These observations are consistent with the idea that exposure to specific EMF patterns can affect biological systems by a mechanism consistent with molecular resonance. In this case, … to allow an inappropriate influx of Ca2+ which was able to disrupt proliferation of malignant cells.” From Sudbury, Canada. Open access.

May 27, 2014

“A Case of Musical Preference for Johnny Cash Following Deep Brain Stimulation of the Nucleus Accumbens,” Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, posted onlne May 9, 2014.

Open access. Some months after stimulation, the subject, who had OCD, was listening to the radio, when he coincidentally heard “Ring of Fire” and was deeply affected by the song.  See also this write-up in the U.K. Independent.

May 24, 2014

“Invasion of the Body Hackers,” New York Times Magazine, May 25, 2014.

“Can the body be reprogrammed to fight disease with devices instead of drugs? Welcome to the brave new world of bioelectronics.”

June 17, 2013

“Different EMF Waveforms Have Different Effects on Proliferation, Differentiation and Mineralization of Osteoblasts in Vitro,” Bioelectromag-netics, posted online June 17, 2013.

“[S]inusoidal EMFs inhibit osteoblast proliferation while square EMFs promote osteoblast proliferation. While the square and serrated EMFs have no appreciable effects on osteogenesis, triangular and sinusoidal EMFs enhance the osteogenic differentiation and mineralization of osteoblasts, with triangular EMFs being the most potent waveform.” Based on 50 Hz exposures at 1.8 mT (18 G) —from Lanzhou, China.

June 12, 2012
January 31, 2012

“I am the happiest man alive,” says Robert Dill-Bundi, the Swiss Olympic cycling champion. Dill-Bundi developed a glioblastoma multiforme, an aggressive, usually fatal, type of brain tumor, but is still alive years after being treated with electric fields. The therapy was developed by Novocure, an Israeli company (see: ...

June 15, 2007

It’s become axiomatic that wide acceptance of non-thermal effects will come from developing biomedical therapies rather than from studying potential hazards. The health effects work is mostly sponsored by those who don't want to find any. And they usually don't (cf: the USAF, EPRI, CTIA, FGF, MMF, etc.) So no one should be surprised that the latest advance comes from a small high-tech Israeli company, Novocure, which is looking for innovative ways to treat cancer. It's a breakthrough —most likely a major breakthrough.

Novocure uses weak 100-200 kHz electric fields —the company calls them tumor treating fields or TTFields— to stunt the growth of cancer cells, either by slowing down their proliferation or by killing them off entirely. The company has now demonstrated this in four different cancer cell lines. Even more impressive is that tumor growth has been curtailed in mice, rats and, in a small pilot project, ten human patients with recurrent brain tumors (glioblastoma).

January 11, 2007

Björn Nordenström died in Stockholm on December 31. Nordenström, a professor emeritus of diagnostic radiology at the Karolinska Institute, had been ill for some time. He is perhaps best known for developing new biopsy techniques for diagnosing lung cancer.

Nordenström also used electricity to treat cancer. The latter research was quite controversial, at least partially because he worked alone and published few papers. in 1983, he summarized his ideas in Biologically Closed Electric Circuits and later helped establish the International Association of Biologically Closed Electric Circuits, The association held its last meeting in Sao Paulo, Brazil, last May.  

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