“The Effect of Combined Exposure of 900 MHz Radiofrequency Fields and Doxorubicin in HL-60 Cells,”
PLoS1, September 2012. Effects following exposure to 120 μW/cm² for 1 hr a day for 3 days. From China.
“Exposure to 1950-MHz TD-SCDMA EMFs Affects the Apoptosis of Astrocytes via Caspase-3-Dependent Pathway,”
PLoS1, August 2012 (open access).
"Mobile Phones and Multiple Sclerosis – A Nationwide Cohort Study in Denmark,"
PLoS1, April 2012.
"Electromagnetic Treatment to Old Alzheimer's Mice Reverses β-Amyloid Deposition, Modifies Cerebral Blood Flow and Provides Selected Cognitive Benefit,"