A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation

PNAS: Microwave News Article Archive (2004 - )

May 23, 2024

“Prey Can Detect Predators via Electroreception in Air,” PNAS, May 20, 2024. “We show predatory wasps are charged, thus emit electric fields & caterpillars respond to such fields with defensive behaviors.” We provide “direct evidence for a driver of evolution by natural selection: ecologically relevant static electricity.”

August 1, 2021

“Specific EM Radiation in the Wireless Signal Range Increases Wakefulness in Mice,” Proceedings of the NAS, posted August 3, 2021”. “This result identifies sleep alteration as a potential consequence of exposure to excessive wireless signals.” From China; open access.

January 8, 2021

“Cellular Autofluorescence Is Magnetic Field Sensitive,” PNAS, January 19, 2021. A big step forward for the radical pair mechanism to explain biological interactions with magnetic fields.

Subscribe to PNAS: Microwave News Article Archive (2004 - )